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Social Brands: The Future Of Marketing

The world’s best brands don’t just predict the future; they define the future on their own terms.

However, it’s the brands that define their future in terms of the enduring value they add to people’s lives that are most likely to succeed.

This eBook presents a series of provocations to help you define your brand’s vision of the future, and helps you to start bringing that vision to life today by building a more social brand.

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I’d love to hear your feedback on this eBook too – tweet me your thoughts via @eskimon.

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The chapters in Social Brands originally appeared as individual blog posts on BrandRepublic’s The Wall, and on the We Are Social website.

3 Responses to “Social Brands – The Complete eBook”

  1. 1 Rachel Lane (@humanplusdesign) September 18, 2013 at 05:55

    Thanks for sharing – it takes a huge amount of effort to put together work like this and it’s a thoughtful deck.

    Still undecided as to whether Social really is about building communities more than platforms (at least not in every case), but I may have skimmed over that point too quickly. Arguably platforms like Flickr, Vimeo and even YouTube are about people who have something they want to share with the world (sometimes we create content because we enjoy creating), as well as visitors who simply rely on Search to dip in and out of social hubs of content/communities (therefore we have social tourists on different platforms as well as social residents).

    Also finding that the gender divide is becoming more apparent on some platforms, with polarisation between the female bias on platforms like Pinterest and male bias in platforms like Google+ and Reddit, so mapping the relationship between audience, associated behaviours and the brand is critical. Since sharing behaviours may (and reportedly do) differ between men and women (in general), understanding who is more likely to spark viral content and who will actually engage over the long term on your brand’s FB page – are nuances that greatly impact the numbers. The same goes for mapping the social behaviours of millennials versus boomers – content that sparks viral interest in one group may create an exodus in the other.

    Anyway, thanks again – an interesting discussion.

    • 2 eskimon September 18, 2013 at 08:14

      Thanks Rachel – I really appreciate your thoughts. I’d be interested to know where you get to on the platforms vs communities piece once you’ve have a chance to read that chapter in more detail and mull it over; my sense is that we’d agree in principle, but we may be calling things by different names (always a challenge in marketing). My belief is that platforms – i.e. technology – are only ever means to share content though, and it’s the conversations and communities that grow around that content that have the greatest value.

      I’m definitely with you on the importance of audience motivations too; this is something I see on a daily basis in our work throughout Asia-Pacific, and ultimately the goal of social is to connect with audiences on their own specific terms, rather than trying to boil everything down into lowest common denominator activity for generic demographic clusters. This is no small challenge of course, but I strongly believe that the potential rewards associated with connecting with people around what they really care about are much higher than the potential ROI associated with reducing costs through more efficient use of mass media.

      Hope that adds further food for thought; please do share your reflections once you’ve had a chance to read the whole book and digest the thoughts it inspires. Cheers!

  1. 1 Social Brands – The eBook | eskimon Trackback on September 3, 2013 at 08:48

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